A brow lift or forehead lift reverses the effects of gravity and tightens the soft tissues of the forehead to restore a more youthful contour to your forehead and eyebrows. As one ages, it is common for the brow to take on a flat or horizontal position.
Recovery and Healing
Your recovery will vary depending on which brow lift procedure Dr. Marcus chooses for your tailored surgical plan. In either case, you will have stitches that will need to be removed in about a week after surgery. If you have temporary fixation screws, your surgeon will remove them in about two weeks. These fixtures are installed behind the hairline to hold the elevated brow in place. After a brow lift, it is quite normal to experience some swelling and bruising. Often the swelling and bruising can affect parts of your face that were not directly addressed, including your cheeks and eyes.
The swelling should start to subside a few days after the procedure and be gone about a week or two after your surgery. For at least two days after the surgery, Dr. Marcus advises his patients to keep their heads elevated and gently apply ice packs to help ease the bruising and swelling. During your entire recovery period and beyond, Dr. Marcus and his staff are at your service. If you have any questions or concerns that arise, we will give you a rapid and effective solution. By caring for his patients long after surgery is over, Dr. Marcus delivers among the best brow lift Los Angeles has available.